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Dear People of All Saints, Cochrane,

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!

I am delighted to inform you that, God Willing, it is my intention to Ordain to the Order of Deacons, Ruth-Anne Marley of this parish as a Vocational Deacon. She will be ordained along with Michael Black of St. Martin, Calgary, in a service which includes The Rev. Rob Petkau and The Rev. Margaret Hogarth being ordained as Priests. The Service of Ordination will be held on June 29, at 3:00 pm at St. Peter Anglican Church in Calgary.

For many years, Ruth-Anne has been a vital member of your parish, offering her gifts and talents in many areas. Her deep faith, leadership, great love for her fellow parishioners, and care and compassion for all she meets will be assets on her faith journey.

Please keep Ruth-Anne, Mike, Margaret and Rob in your prayers as they prepare for these new ministries.

Peace and blessings be with you all.

The Most Rev. Gregory Kerr-Wilson

Archbishop of Calgary

St. Peter's Anglican is located at 903 - 75 Ave. SW in Calgary.