Dear Friends,
It has been a long time since we have been able to gather together for the Eucharist and I know we all very much miss it. We have recently received guidelines from the Archbishop’s commission (made up of senior clergy and medical professionals) on re-gathering for worship. The Corporation and Parish Council have reviewed these guidelines and applied for permission for us to again celebrate the Eucharist together. We have now been granted that permission. We will be following the protocols which the Archbishop’s commission has established.
We will be offering a very simple and short service starting Sunday, September 13 at 4:00pm, to offer the Eucharist (receiving the host only, not the cup) to people who are strongly missing it.
No one should feel pressured in any way to attend.
For contact tracing purposes, you will need to sign up by Friday, Sept 11 at 10:00am by e-mail to or phone 403-932-6556 and indicate the number of people in your group. A list will be created at that time so we can seat people with social distancing measures in place. If you do not sign up and wish to attend, you may arrive at the church before 4:00pm and see if there is room. Unfortunately, we can only accommodate a limited number of parishioners at this time.
If you have any questions or concerns or input, please contact me or the Rev Matthew Perreault who is helping to oversee this process.
Yours in Christ, Greg +
The Rev. Greg Clark, Rector